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The importance of attracting wildlife into your garden this Summer

Summer is not only about BBQs, sun tans and ice-cream, but about being outdoors in the fresh air and enjoying the natural wildlife around you. 1st Impressions Cleaning Solutions have put together a few tips to help you attract more nature into your garden as many animals find their habitats destroyed by urban development, a little encouragement from you will go along way for creating a safe environment for birds, insects and mammals to have a safe place to go

  • Hedges provide vital shelter and corridors for small mammals and birds. If you have a fence lined garden, plant a few holly bushes against them and as they grow you will get to see the activity in and around the base of the holly where animals will make a safe home.
  • Create a ‘meadow’ space in a flower bed. These are fantastic for all types of insects and minibeasts. The longer grass and wild flowers left to nature will encourage things like butterflies to lay eggs in the long grass and the bright wild flowers will mean they stick around. A dedicated meadow space will also mean less garden maintenance as the natural balance of things tends to look after itself. You can cut the dead grass and plants away in early Spring and leave to flourish all summer long.
  • Add some tall growing flowers to help attract those beautiful dragon flies and bees.
  • Bees are so important to the survival of flowers as they pollinate new flowers during the summer season. However bee numbers have taken a hit in recent years affecting the countries flowers and plants. Encourage these pollinators as well as others by planting a climbers against garden fences. This creates a flow from one garden to the next and you will be helping bees numbers get back up to a healthy one.
  • Have you ever thought about a water feature? This doesn’t have to be as grand as the Bellagio fountain, but a simple shallow pool will make the perfect spot for amphibians such as frogs, and newts. If you haven’t got the space, why not try a small bird bath. This is a fantastic way to see birds up close in your own back garden splashing around in a safe place.

At 1st Impressions cleaning solutions they can help you get the most out of you home for you to enjoy with your family during the Summer months. They offer professional pressure washing services to restore your algae covered patio or decking back to their former glory, contact them today for more information or a free quote. Their domestic carpet cleaning service will help maintain a safe, healthy and allergen free environment which is essential for a happy family. Call for a free, no obligation quote today and see the results for yourself.

For more tips on attracting wildlife go to :

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