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Three easy steps to making a great first impression on your customers

We all know that during the first thirty seconds of meeting a person many assumptions are made which can go on to either facilitate or complicate an the conversion of the lead into a customer. What you do in that time will have an impact on the relationship with that person forever, and it’s no different with your business. If you have a commercial property that your clients and customers frequently visit, you need to show them that you care. It is simple psychology to assume that if a person cares and considers their workspace and business, they care about you as a customer and the dealing or account you have with them. Follow our quick and easy steps to making a sterling first impression.


1. Clear and appropriate signage.

If you have a space on a retail or industrial park, make sure you have clear signage of where you are located. There is nothing more frustrating than driving around looking at identical buildings where the occupiers have done nothing to help you find them. It is almost enough to make them turn around and drive away! If you are part of an office complex, put clear signs by lifts and stairways. Invest in signs. If they are going to be external go for a hardwearing board that will survive the elements.

2. Brand continuity

If you have a logo, letterhead or website you will hopefully have created a brand identity. A website is often the first point of reference for leads and will contribute to the reason they have converted into customers. A similar colour scheme inside will show an understated consideration for your entire business and this will show your customers you will apply this to their account. (However if your colour scheme is very a bright colour such as  fluorescent green, just use these as little accents to make other colours pop)

3. Clean and safe

Cleanliness is one of the most important things for a good impression that lasts. No matter what effort you put into winning the client over, if you have a messy work area, you could lose the business opportunity. Don’t leave equipment lying around, no one wants an obstacle course on the way out. Clean the office regularly and thoroughly. And don’t forget the toilets!

Here at 1st impressions cleaning solutions we can offer a comprehensive service for you business. 1st Impressions are an experienced cleaning company providing a wide range of cleaning services to restore surfaces inside and outside of your home or business property, bringing them back to their former glory. We specialise in carpet and upholstery as well as tile and hard floors. Give us a call today and make every impression be a great one!

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